Andrew Burns
Associate Director for Local Government
Andrew Burns is an Associate Director at CIPFA where his role is to further develop strong links between CIPFA and the local government sector, building trust to improve public financial management and governance.
He was CIPFA President in 2017/18 serving an Institute with over 14,000 members worldwide who work throughout the public services, in national audit agencies, in major accountancy firms and in other public bodies where public money needs to be effectively and efficiently managed.
Until December 2018, he spent 12 years as Director of Finance and Resources for Staffordshire County Council; was Treasurer of the Staffordshire Pension Fund and a former President of the Society of County Treasurers.
He is also a trustee of the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (CfGS) the leading national organisation promoting and supporting excellence in governance and scrutiny across public services.