Craig Mackenzie
Head of Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) Research
Aberdeen Standard Investments
Dr Craig Mackenzie leads the Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) team at Aberdeen Standard Investments. The team is responsible for the firm’s advice to clients on long-term investment returns and strategy. Craig has been leading on SAA research since 2015.
Previously, Craig’s work focused on ESG issues: from 1997-2010 he created and led the ESG functions at Friends, Ivory & Sime and at Insight Investment, and the Centre for Business and Climate Change at Edinburgh University. In previous roles helped establish and shape the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and the FTSE Russell ESG index family. He is now working on integrating ESG into SAA at ASI and chairs ASI’s Multi-Asset ESG Steering Group, as well as the SAA group in IIGCC’s Paris Aligned Investment project, and sits on the FTSE Russell Environmental Markets Advisory group.