SPS Conferences is advised by a Committee of pension fund representatives.
The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to help the Executive improve the quality of SPS conferences and to make them as relevant as possible for pension fund managers and trustees.
David Bennett-Rees
Independent Advisor, Investment Committee
Royal British Legion
David is currently Chairman of the Freemasons Pension Scheme and has now joined the Finance Committee of the Royal British Legion, which manages the investments and oversees the pension schemes of the charity. He has recently retired as an Independent Director of the Corporate Trustee of SAUL (Superannuation Arrangements of the University of London). Following his Mathematics degree at Oxford University, David taught Maths before joining Colonial Mutual Life where he qualified as an Actuary. He then spent 15 years as a partner working for Galloway & Pearson, W I Carr and Buck Patterson Consultants as a consulting actuary specialising in investments and was also a member of the Stock Exchange. For 10 years he was Head of Pensions Services and in-house Actuary at London Transport. Since then, he has been working as an Independent Pensions / Investment Consultant and chairing pension training courses for the ACT and NAPF. David co-wrote the Institute of Actuaries investment textbook. He regularly speaks at specialised Investment and Pensions conferences across Europe.