Eric Lambert
Independent Investment Advisor
LGPS Funds
Eric is a leading Independent Investment Adviser (IIA) in the UK public and private pension sectors. He has extensive investment consultancy experience with asset owner funds in the UK, Europe and internationally and was Head of Customer Consultancy within State Street and Head of Research & Consultancy at the WM Company. Many of his ‘hard-line’ investment views have been formulated from decades of evidence of funds’ actual results. He joined the WM Company in 1992, following 17 years at Scottish Widows where he gained experience in pensions administration, investment marketing and pension fund investment. Since early 2009 he has been self-employed and has subsequently built a significant IIA business. In the UK he has championed fund owners’ appreciation of both investment management (active) risk and the – much more significant - risk arising from the asset strategy (benchmark risk). Eric is an advocate of the ‘total measurement’ approach, whereby all decisions that impact on a fund’s finances are identified and evaluated. Typically these include the decisions made not only by the investment managers, but also those made by fund officers (such as trustees), administrators and their advisers. While with WM and State Street, Eric frequently presented at investment seminars and conferences both in the UK and Internationally and was frequently quoted and published in trade journals and the national press. Eric graduated with a BSc Honours degree in Mathematics from St Andrews University before qualifying as a Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries (FFA).