Dinesh Visavadia
Independent Trustee Services
Dinesh is a Director at Independent Trustee Services Limited and sits on a number of Trustee boards of UK and Irish pension plans. He was previously the Head of Pensions and Benefits at Britvic Soft Drinks Limited, and Head of Pensions at the John Lewis Partnership, Royal Mail Group and JP Morgan where he was responsible for pension strategy and overall management of the pension plans including governance matters. He is also a Trustee of the Action for Children Pension Fund and a Trustee of St Christopher’s Fellowship, both charities working for vulnerable children. He is also Chair of the Swan Foundation, which has now been up and its activities have been transferred to the Swan Housing Association. Dinesh is also a Trustee of the Ambulance Staff Charity which looks after the welfare of the men and women who do brilliant work in the Ambulance services.