Grace Guy
Head of Supervision and Enforcement and member of the Executive management
The Pensions Authority
Grace Guy is Head of Supervision and Enforcement with the Pensions Authority, the Irish Regulator for occupational pension schemes and PRSAs. The Supervision and Enforcement Unit is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Pensions Act through forward-looking risk-based supervision and instigates prosecutions and other sanctions where breaches are found to have occurred.
Grace joined the Authority in 2010 as a legal adviser and subsequently ran the Authority’s Legal Unit. She is a qualified solicitor and has advised on all aspects of the Authority’s legal remit. She represents the Pensions Authority at various national and international pensions fora including the OECD’s International Organisation for Pensions Supervisors (IOPS). Grace is a former member of the Law Society Pensions sub-committee and a former council member of the APLI (the Association of Pensions Lawyers in Ireland).