Janne Werning
Head of ESG Capital Markets & Stewardship
Union Investment
Janne Werning has been head of the ESG Capital Markets & Stewardship team within the ESG department at Union Investment since 2019. In his role, he manages the ESG committee, the ESG fund management and overlay, the implementation of ESG into the investment process and the engagement and stewardship activities, including corporate dialogues and AGM votes. Janne joined Union Investment in January 2016. As a senior ESG analyst, the focus of his work so far has been on sustainable investment and engagement. He has over six years’ experience in socially responsible investment (SRI). From 2013 until the end of 2015, Janne was employed as a sustainability analyst for the ESG ratings agency oekom research AG in Munich. He also has experience of working at the German Commission for UNESCO, the UN in Geneva and the World Economic Forum in Davos. Janne successfully completed his MSc in Human Rights at the London School of Economics (LSE) between 2010 and 2011. He obtained the ICMA’s Financial Markets Foundation Qualification (FMFQ) in 2017 and the University of Cambridge’s Business Sustainability Management (BSM) qualification in 2018.