Jim Foley
Managing Director
Trustee Decisions
Jim Foley, Managing Director, has worked in the Financial Services, Education, Telecommunications and Pensions sectors in Ireland and the UK. He has over 30 years of experience, and is an established expert and industry leader in the pension sector.
Prior to joining Trustee Decisions in 2015, Jim previously worked with Eircom, the National Australia Group, the Institute of Public Administration, and the Central Bank of Ireland.
Jim is a former Chair, Director, and Council Member of the Irish Association of Pension Funds (IAPF) and was a Non-Executive Director of IPUT plc for 10 years. He is a Director of the Irish Forestry Unit Trust which is regulated by, and subject to the fitness and probity regime of, the Central Bank of Ireland.
Jim became a member of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants in 1986, has a primary degree in Financial Services, a Masters in Business Administration, a post grad in Corporate Governance and is a Qualified Pension Trustee QPT (IIPM Law and Governance programme for Trustees).