Melissa Blissett
Pay Gap Analytics Lead
Barnett Waddingham
Melissa leads the pay gap proposition, offering clients gender, ethnicity, CEO pay ratio and other pay gap reporting, together with benchmarking and deeper analytical insight.
Melissa’s previous experience in our wellbeing team has driven our pay gap consultancy to explore deeper than the gap itself and measure the impact of this on financial, mental and physical wellbeing, as any resultant cost of absence to an organisation. Melissa previously worked for a number of years in pensions governance and brings her knowledge and insight of the causes of the “pension gap” to her consultancy expertise.
Her main area of expertise includes Gender pay gap analytics and financial wellbeing. Melissa has worked with clients across a wide variety of sectors including charitable organisations, financial services, manufacturing and Premier League football clubs.
Melissa presented at the E-Rewards Financial Wellbeing conference 2019 and is a regular attendee at various CIPD events including Wellbeing Strategy and employee engagement training.