Tim Jenkinson
Professor of Finance
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Tim is Professor of Finance at the Saïd Business School. One of the leading authorities on private equity, IPOs, and institutional asset management, Tim is renowned for his ability to collect critical, previously inaccessible, data by building strong links with institutional investors, banks and other players in the financial industry. His research is widely quoted and has been published in the top academic journals.
He is Head of the Finance Group at Saïd Business School, Director of the Oxford Private Equity Institute, and is one of the founders of the Private Equity Research Consortium. Tim is a renowned teacher and presenter, and teaches executive courses on private equity, entrepreneurial finance, and valuation. He is a frequent keynote speaker at practitioner conferences and his research has recently been awarded the 2015 Commonfund Prize (for the paper with the most relevance to institutional investors) and a 2014 Brattle Group Prize (awarded by the American Finance Association for the best research on corporate finance). He is also a Professorial Fellow at Keble College, University of Oxford, a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research and a Research Associate of the European Corporate Governance Institute.