Peter Meier
Member of Investment Committee
Pensionskasse der Saurer-Unternehmungen
Dr. Peter Meier is a seasoned financial expert with extensive experience in academia, banking, and asset management. He serves as a board member of a pension plan and has held long-term board roles with asset managers and a bank. Formerly, he was a Professor of Finance at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and led its Centre of Asset Management.
Dr. Meier earned his doctoral degree in economics from the University of St. Gallen in 1982 and was a visiting scholar at Stanford University. He began his career as Chief Economist at the Cantonal Bank of Zurich, where he later established a modern asset management unit for institutional and private portfolios. As CEO of Swissca Portfolio Management (now Swisscanto Invest), he led one of Switzerland's largest institutional asset management firms.
His expertise spans investment and risk management, mutual and pension funds, alternative investments, and digital assets. He regularly published on hedge funds and alternative investments and spoke at international conferences.