This conference, conducted in English, will examine a range of topical sustainable investment strategies, opportunities and new ideas available to pension funds and institutional investors from Sweden and the Nordic region. We will take account of the latest trends and the outlook for sustainable investments in the prevailing market conditions as well key practicalities such as implementation and specific regional requirements/challenges.
Session 1
Senior Analyst
AP Fonden 4
Data landscape for biodiversity investing
The loss of biodiversity is ongoing, at a rapid phase. The field is gaining momentum as biodiversity is climbing higher onto institutional investors radars. Investors are beginning to realize that they are exposed to significant systematic risks, when considering the importance of biodiversity in sustainable development and economic stability. The need to align investments with biodiversity is both high and urgent, yet navigating the biodiversity space and incorporating it into investment decisions remains a considerable challenge for investors. The most crucial aspect to develop within biodiversity investing is the data, which is essential for fully understand impacts and risks. In the presentation, we will explore a few challenging aspects of biodiversity investments and draw comparisons with climate investing. Additionally, we will discuss the various types of data available in the market and strategies for investors to approach the complex area of biodiversity investing.
Session 2
Portfolio Manager
Aegon Asset Management
Sustainability in Alternative Fixed Income
Within the domain of Alternative Fixed Income, this presentation will cover two strategies with very different characteristics, but both qualifying as SFDR 8. The characteristics of each strategy will be explained and how RI frameworks have been implemented in the portfolios. We will discuss ESG and sustainability screening and show some investment cases. If you look for some extra spread with limited risk in your fixed income portfolio but also include ESG as part of your investments, we show how it can be done.
Senior ESG Strategist
DWS Investments
Europe 's Transformational Scorecard and the multi-asset class approach to systemic change through the lens of energy efficiency
Europe has transformed itself many times in the past, to respond to strategic challenges. A strategic focus on European Transformation was established starting by examining the macro, micro and geopolitical case for transformation. The presentation will summarise the latest reports including a multi-dimensional scorecard of major countries transformation progress as well as highlights of reports on how different asset classes can contribute to transformation. With fossil fuel companies' reluctance to change their business models and continued energy and national security concerns, energy efficiency and reducing fossil fuel demand has become even more important. The presentation will also summarise new European legislation in this area and how investors can contribute to these critical goals.
Drinks followed by lunch
Close of conference
The conference is by invitation only for pension funds and other institutional investors and we welcome new attendees from these investors. Therefore if you are not already receiving an invitation please contact us. A limited number of Complimentary invitations are available to genuine pension fund representatives (executives and trustees) and other approved institutional investors. However, to ensure we have room for as many funds as possible, we have to limit free places to 3 attendees per approved organisation thereafter a reduced rate fee is payable per delegate. Furthermore, SPS always reserves the right of admission (free or paid) and our decision is final.
7A Strandvagen
Strandvägen 7
114 56 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0)8-586 107 00